The CCR-2100 is a modern microprocessor controlled thyristor regulator. Its new set-up allowson-site upgrading, from a basic constant current regulator to a full option unit including the following features:
- Full digitally controlled and regulated CCR.
- High constant current precision and high reliability.
- DSP and ARM microprocessor embedded processing control.
- Fully digitalized high precision control and regulation, via parameters processed in a
- numerical way to overcome affection by temperature, voltage or other physical parameters.
- Suitable to circuit configurations consisting of non linear loads like new technology LED
- lights and taxiway signs with light sources other than halogen lamps.
- Remote network control, monitoring and diagnostic functionality.
- Integrated menu driven human machine interface (HMI) allowing full configuration on-site
- without any additional equipment.
- Standard built-in lamp fault detection.
- Optional earth fault detector, lightning arrestors and field circuit isolator.