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Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS)

Airsafe's Intelligent Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System(I-ALCMS), that enables control and monitoring of Constant Current Regulators(CCRs), Generators and general elements. The I-ALCMS has advanced features for individual light control and monitoring.

Meanwhile, the I-ALCMS can integrate with other airport systems such as Runway Status Lights(RWSL), Advanced Surface Movement Guidence and Control Systems(A- SMGCS).

ICAO: Annex 14, VOL I
ICAO: DOC 9157 Part 4 and Part 5
ICAO: DOC 9476
ICAO: DOC 9830
FAA: AC 150/5345-56
FAA: AC 120-57

•    PC architecture, distributed, modular system design; Redundant hot backup system design;
•    User-friendly HMI design, which can increase interface functions according to customer needs;
•    Fiber Optic, hard wire, wireless or telephone modems optional primary communication networks for a variety of field conditions;
•    Meet the corresponding control and monitoring function requirements of FAA and ICAO;
•    Meet the control and monitoring function requirements of CAAC active and backup CCR switching;
•    Seamless integration of light fault monitoring and stop bar control and monitoring system functions;
•    Provide an open and authorized interface to access a variety of airport operation management information;
•    Highly scalable to meet airport expansion and adjustment requirements;
•    By default, the last state failure mode is maintained, and the target circuit and the object can be preset and controlled according to the operation requirements;
•    Upgradeable and extended taxi guidance for access to advanced ground movement guidance and control system;
•    The runway status light control and monitoring function can be upgraded and extended to access the runway status light system.

Technical Data:

The time taken to enter or reject the command from the tower touch screen to the system <0.5s
The time taken from the input of the command to the output of the control signal to the controlled device is <1.0s
The time taken that system displays that the control device receives the control signal t <2.0s
The time elapsed from the receipt of the response from the controlled device to the display of the information on the tower touch screen is <1.0s
The time taken to the status change of the stop bar lights in the display of the tower touch screen <2.0 seconds
The time taken to the status change of other lights in the display of the tower touch screen <5.0s
The time it takes for the system to automatically detect the faulty component and communication link is <10s
The time it takes to switch to a redundant component during a system failure (no command execution during this period) is <0.5s

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